Julian Manning
A rainbow shines over the Inspire campus.
With the passing of our beloved teacher and friend, Steven Tadeo, many of us grieve at our own pace as we return to normalcy. We understand that it will be hard going forward. However with the end of the year approaching fast, we are in need of someone to carry us to the finish.
As a community, we’d like to introduce our new World History/Study Hall teacher and Inspire Alumni, Cesar Mojica. Mojica was a former student who was part of the Inspire Orchestra, and helping around the stage, he graduated in 2014. Mojica went on and graduated from University of Nevada Reno in 2018, later gaining a Teaching credential in 2022.
“Working with young people has been what I’ve done all my life.” Mojica comments. Before teaching, Mojica worked with Museum Education. Coming to Inspire, Mr. Mojica is excited to see the Inspire performances due to his previous involvement in them as well as learn more about the students here.
“I want to know why people are, I don’t like to assume why people are. I want everyone that I know and encounter to do well, to succeed.” Mojica shares.
Outside of school, Mojica is looking forward to biking, going to local events again, and overall just being back in the community of Inspire and Chico as a whole.