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Inspire News: By Students, For Students

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Races in Chico

A brief lists and description of races in Chico California for everyone to participate in.
Runners proceed by Hooker Oak park the venture their way through Upper Bidwell Park and back. Photo token by Josh Edwards

The running races in Chico are a substantially great way to test your endurance, and speed and to have fun with a competitive spirit within the races most importantly. It offers 3 different distances the 5k, quarter marathon, and half marathon. On average there are over 100 people participating in each race. There is a great mixture of individuals who run the races for individuals who are running for fun and ones who are competitive and driven for victory upon the race. The beauty of each race is that the community and hosts are all very compassionate and welcoming to everyone of all ages. Ages ranging from babies to elderly individuals have all regularly participated in these runs. One of the very noticeable things about these events is that they are designated to help the needy for help such as hospitals or the homeless etc and to unite a community together. Each race serves a different course with 3 different milages which are all an expedition of its own.

Frost or Fog

The first race is the Frost or Fog race run by Fleet Feet. It has three 3 different distances as mentioned previously the 5k, 10k, and the half marathon. The main things that separate this race from the rest are the significant change in elevation during the half marathon on Fenced RD located inside Upper Park and the likely chance of it being cold and even rainy. It took place around late January and as a participant running this race, it was pouring rain the host and staff never canceled it despite how rough the forecast remained. The incline during the race is one of the best ways to test one’s leg strength where you run even past Bear Hole alongside Big Chico Creek. The race proceeds at 5 miles where runners can run as far as Browns Hole where they then turn around and finish the race. 

Bidwell Classic

The Bidwell Classic may be the most known runners race in Chico where you can seek the most people. It is a run strictly based in Lower Bidwell Park from one end to the other. It proceeds at the Sycamore Field and has a turnaround across the street from Hooker Oak Park by Manzanita Ave. As a participant, this event may have been the most competitive. Similar to the Frost or Fog race there are 3 distance options the 5k, 10k, and the half marathon

Runners run through the downtown area. Photo taken by Josh Edwards.

. There are medals and Cash Prizes for the top winners for gender and age group for every race. If runners tend to display a sense of fear that they may potentially pass out during the run there are aid stations all around the course just in case such a tragedy occurs for anyone. Unlike the Frost or Fog, the material you run on is paved isn’t gravel, and has no elevation gain whatsoever.



Downtown Mile 

This race is where you swiftly run your fastest mile time around the blocks of downtown Chico. The race is hosted by Fleet Feet Chico once again and

Poster for the Run The Runway at the airport. Photo taken by Marquez Edwards

the mile is the only distance available. If someone is impeccable at rapidly running then the downtown mile is a great exception. It’s also a great idea for someone who’s starting out and wants to increase their mileage over time. When the race is finalized and the hunger proceeds to kick there is plenty of places circumference around the race to get a bite to eat. This race may be the smallest one out of the 3 but is still relentless for many individuals.


Other Races

There are other races available around Chico that are destined to be run ranging from the color run, Run for food on Thanksgiving morning, Run the Runway at the airport, and more.

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